The Background
A multi-billion dollar consumer goods company was setting up a green-field manufacturing facility in India and wanted to incorporate as many aspects of renewable energy as possible, provided that certain techno-economic conditions were fulfilled.
The Solution
Six technologies and four methods of access were considered for two different forms of energy.
Captive On-premises
Captive Off-premises
Third party Sale Model
Group Captive Sale Model
Solar PV
Solar Thermal
Biomass Heat
EAI then used the company’s pre-conditions and constraints in combination with the technology or method of access’ technical and economic prerequisites and attributes to construct the renewable energy portfolio.
Factors Considered
Operation & Maintenance requirements
Cost of Energy
Technology Maturity
Raw material Availability
Initial equity layout
Technical Requirements
EAI performed a pre-feasibility and feasibility of the myriad combinations of technologies and business models, found vendors offering such solutions, performed a basic vendor due diligence, invited offers and provided inputs to the client on the same. EAI was also able to provide the client design considerations for seamlessly incorporating renewable energy technologies into their energy mix.
The Outcome
The manufacturing facility will incorporate wind (replacing grid power), solar PV (replacing diesel power) and solar thermal (replacing furnace oil) into its energy mix at extremely cost-competitive rates (favourable as compared to conventional energy) saving millions of kilograms of carbon-dioxide emissions and crores of rupees, yearly, in energy bills.